As a Belgard Authorized Contractor (BAC), are you interested in closing more deals and increasing overall sales? Through selling complete outdoor living packages and rolling in items like appliances, furniture, and landscaping, you can do just that! Read on to discover how to make it happen.
No Hassle Financing with Flexible Options
There are quite a few tools contractors use to create beautiful hardscapes and outdoor living spaces, but Belgard is offering its partners an amazing tool to help with sales in the form of no-hassle financing. The Belgard Financing Program allows contractors to bring financing options to clients that help close potential deals, complete projects all at once instead of using a phased approach, and in many cases, increase project size. The program offers up to $100,000 in credit limits, high approval rates, flexible payment plans, and hassle-free paperless applications. In addition, you can accept payments the same day your customer is approved.
Talking to Our Pros about Financing Projects with Belgard
But don’t just take our word for it, listen to two BACs and financing program participants from opposite coasts, Jay Beswick, owner of Majestic Outdoors in Raleigh, North Carolina, and Peter Stadelli, owner of Sta-Built Construction in Olympia, Washington.
“The Belgard Financing Program has allowed us to close a deal sooner rather than later, and in many cases, just to close the deal altogether,” said Beswick. “For people who are ready to start a project, the program helps them to move forward. And, some of our clients have been able to add to their projects. We primarily rely on the 12 months same-as-cash option.”
Stadelli and Sta-Built Construction found that when the company offers the Belgard Financing Program, clients get the flexibility of having a much larger project with results that they can enjoy immediately, and it’s not tied to their home mortgage. In essence, they can move forward on a project that otherwise would probably not have happened. “The benefits of the program really stack up,” Stadelli said. “It helps us get jobs we may have never gotten, and it definitely distinguishes us from competition. We don’t have exact numbers, but we believe it increases the total job size, I’d say, by approximately 20 percent.”
Along with all of its benefits, Stadelli complimented the financing program’s process as being smooth and seamless and only taking five to ten minutes. “The program offers a very smooth transition for getting funds,” he said. “We can pull up a tablet and get them approved in a second—as simple as a text message or an email, and then the program manager says yes or no to release the funds. The program is also backed by Goldman Sachs and that makes clients feel comfortable. Overall, it definitely improves the onsite closing ratio.”
The Belgard Financing Program in Action
In addition to hardscaping, both Majestic and Sta-Built use the Belgard Financing Program to help their clients finance other costs of outdoor living spaces, such as landscaping, appliances, lighting, furniture, and more.

Beswick explained that the Belgard Financing Program is all about flexibility, especially when clients want to do more than the original scope. “In one scenario, a couple was in the middle of house renovations, and they wanted to add an outdoor kitchen with a pergola to the project,” he said. “All of their money was tied up in the renovations, and with the Belgard financing, we were able to allow them to add the kitchen and pergola outside of that.”

Stadelli and Sta-Built also use the program for much more than just hardscape projects. He recently sent out a salesman for a project that was about $37,000, which is above the company’s average size. The client wanted to add appliances, lighting, and more to the project, which the salesman roughly calculated would probably cost another $25,000 to $30,000. The couple was not expecting this type of expense and decided expanding the project would not be feasible. “Most salespeople would have just walked away, but my guy left and crunched the numbers for an exact quote and used the financing program to give them some options,” said Stadelli. “He went back and offered them three payment plans. The customer got really excited. They said the most they could spend was $300 a month. We had to cut a few things from the project to scale it back, but we made it work. Ultimately, $30,000 was out of their budget, but $300 a month was not.”
“I think there is a definite value in the program, and as of right now, it’s been very beneficial,” said Beswick. “Business is on the uptick, and we’ve used it as often as a couple of times a month. It’s definitely helped close some sales for us.”
Belgard offers contractors a variety of benefits in addition to financing, such as education opportunities, rewards, and more. With one click, you can learn more about the Belgard Authorized Contractor Program, financing through the Belgard Financing Program and more. We are excited to partner with you to help grow your business.